Sunday, February 6, 2011

hope is irresistible

This semester has been tough with usual 14-16 hour days and seriously no time for anything besides school. I'm at about a third of the way through the semester and in spite of how chaotic life has been these days, I find myself really blessed with the little things that keep me from going nuts:
  • finding the single parking spot next to my apartment upon coming home after a late night in lab
  • being famished at school and yet finding a hi-chew on my desk (happened twice with two different friends!)
  • having friends offer me their dixie cups, plaster, PVS material, acrylic, help, etc. after a rough day in lab re-doing a ton of work
  • an understanding boyfriend who not only always drives up to Hollywood to meet me, but also shows up at my apartment with groceries cause I didn't have time to go
  • friends to commiserate with during those long nights!
  • a friend who would sort through extracted teeth for me and take x-rays of them (in addition to her own) because she knows I'm still trying to get faculty help on other work
  • the unexpected text message from a friend saying she was blessed by the praise set during Sunday worship
  • church friends who always keep me in the loop and meet me more than their fair share of half-way even when I'm always MIA
  • a certain friend in lab who never fails to crack me up with his absent-minded tendency to lose things and replay youtube videos of 'Glee' numbers
  • having gym buddies to burn off steam on frustrating days
Just to name a few...


  1. Alice, what a great blog! And so encouraging.

  2. a friend who would sort through extracted teeth for me and take x-rays of them (in addition to her own) because she knows I'm still trying to get faculty help on other work <=============================== This Friend is ME!!! PWNED
