Some days in the life of a dental student:
6:30 am - Wake up (lather, rinse, repeat; brew that coffee!)
7:30 am - Leave for school
8:00 am - Radiology rotation (Ohmygoodness. The cheeks on my patient were so thick! They kept moving my xrays! I had to retake so many!)
12:30 pm - End rotation & run to subway to grab lunch!
12:50 pm - Head back to class
1:00 pm - PBL case session
4:30 pm - Research at library
5:00 pm - Go home through downtown traffic
5:30 pm - Get home & take a nap
7:00 pm - Dinner
7:15 pm - Research some more for a paper
10:45 pm - Submit paper & start reading other papers (aka learning needs)
2:00 am - Sleep